The Flanders Gazette

Unofficial English language news source for the Republic of Flanders

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Crucial motion passed + new flag

The Citizen's Forum (the temporary Parliament of the Second Republic) has passed an important resolution, determining the basic structure of the state. A directly elected President will be both head of state as well as head of government. He will appoint his Vice-President amongst his ministers. This constitutes a break with the parliamentary or semi-presidential character of the First Republic. The legislative power will be given to an elected Parliament, which will also serve as court of justice in times when the job of judge is vacant. The President cannot be a Member of Parliament; he is however its chairman and has a decisive vote when a parliamentary vote results in a tie. An appointed Senate will take on the role of constitutional court.

Another, more symbolic decision, was taken today. The Republic has chosen a new official flag, which was designed by Emery Frijters.


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